- 猎人把雄鹿射死了.The hunter shot the stag dead.
- 猎人把雄鹿射死了。The hunter shot the stag dead.
- 说着猎人射死了狼,把小红帽和她祖母从狼的肚子里救了出来。The huntsman shot the wolf dead and got Little Red Cap and her grandmother out of the wolf's stomach.
- 猎人举枪向鹿射去。The hunter hit at a deer with his gun.
- 我叫白雪公主。我父亲是国王。但继母想杀我。但猎人把我放了。Snow: My name is Snow White, my father is the King of all land. But my stepmother wanted to killed me. But the hunter let me go.
- 罗宾汉向鹿射了一箭。Robin Hood let go an arrow at the deer.
- 但多数鸟类仅以泄殖腔互相接触,藉肌肉收缩而把雄鸟的精子送给雌鸟。有胎盘哺乳动物及多数硬骨鱼无泄殖腔。Most Birds mate by joining their cloacas in a "cloacal kiss"; muscular contractions transfer the sperm from the male to the female.
- 藏在丛林后面的一个狙击手一个接一个地射死了我们的四个人。A sniper behind the bushes picked off four of our men.
- 别对画鹿射琉璃之箭?Do not shoot a glass arrow into a painted deer.
- 猎人把鸭子一只一只地射杀。The hunter picked the ducks off one by one.
- 一群狼把一头雄鹿赶得几乎跑不动了。A pack of wolves nearly tired down a buck.
- 传说威廉·泰尔后来果真用这支箭射死了那个暴君。The story goes that Willion Tell did kill the tyrant with that arrow .
- 管理这一类事务的政府机关派了一个人来视察我们的机构。The government which regulates such matters sent a man to look into our organization.
- "6镑," 我说道: "真贵,你可把它放起来留到结婚时穿。""Six pounds, " I said. "That's very good money. You'll be able to save for your bottom drawer, "
- 他一枪就射死了那头鹿。He dispatched the deer at his first shot.
- 随后,一个听到他说话的德国狙击手射死了他。He was then shot by a German sniper who had heard the remark.
- 他把那只鸟射死了。He shot the bird dead.
- 考林看见他自己射死的那头鹿时,感情抑制不住,哭了起来。Colin broke down and wept when he saw the deer that he had shot.
- 射箭的从城上射王的仆人,射死几个,赫人乌利亚也死了。And the shooters shot from off the wall upon thy servants; and some of the king's servants be dead, and thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.
- 野蛮人领袖一箭射死了克瑞托斯旁边的一个士兵,那士兵的头被射烂了。The barbarian leader fires an arrow at a soldier beside Kratos and takes off his skull.