- 过暖天气狗熊无法冬眠Warm weather wrecks bears'winter slumber
- 从前在森林里住着三个狗熊。Once upon a time there lived in the forest three bears.
- 藤蔓缠住那根棒子。A vine entwined the rod.
- 把狗熊称为叔叔,直到你安全过桥。Call the bear "Uncle" till you are safe across the bridge.
- 召唤的狗熊现在能适当的攻击、追踪怪物了。A summoned Grizzly now properly pursues and attacks its enemies more effectively.
- 我把那根棒子错看成蛇了I mistook the stick for a snake.
- 那个农夫掰下一块面包就着乳酪吃起来了。The farmer twisted off a piece of bread to eat with his cheese.
- 他的手像逮狗熊的钢夹子一样,抓住了陌生人的胳膊。His hand came down like a bear trap on the stranger's arm.
- 棒子的两端the ends of a stick
- 埃斯梅拉达拿着面包,掰下一小块放在手里,贾利将它吃了。Esmeralda took the bread and broke a little of it in her hand. Jali ate it.
- 玉米(棒子)corn on the cob
- 改变聪明伶俐的卡通熊图画,有熊猫,狗熊,北极熊,和玩具熊。Software Description: About Teddy Bears, Changing pictures of cute cartoon panda bears, polar bears, and teddy bears Teddy bears.
- 掰玉米break off corn cobs
- 棒子,魅惑怪物Eternal Wand of Charm Monster
- 他从长条面包中掰下一小块。He broke a piece of bread from the loaf.
- 彼得抓起一根棒子拼命乱打。Peter seized a staff and began to lay on for dear life.
- 在猎人们与他会合之前,他一直与狗熊保持稳妥的距离;会合后他们便冲上前去从网中弄出了狗熊。He kept a discreet distance until the hunters joined him; then they went forward and removed the bear from the net.
- 我把巧克力掰成两半--这一半给你.I broke the chocolate into halves here's your half.
- 槌球游戏中击球的棒子a mallet used to strike the ball in croquet
- 掰刀cutter wreckage