- 狗在公共汽车前面跑.The dog ran in front of the bus.
- 你必须注意看公共汽车前面,是六路车,还有,在第五站下车。You will notice the route number six on the front of the bus. And you should get off at the fifth stop.
- 我打猎归来,走在沿着花园的林荫道上,我的狗在我的前面跑着。I was returning from hunting, and walking along an avenue of the garden, my dog running in front of me.
- 他跟在公共汽车后面猛跑。He tore off after the bus.
- 那孩子跑到汽车前面的路上,司机猛踩刹车.The driver braked hard as the child ran onto the road in front of him.
- 这位年青人在公共汽车上把座位让给站在旁边的老太太。The young man gave up his seat on the bus to an old woman standing near by.
- 那孩子跑到汽车前面的路上,司机猛踩刹车。The driver brake hard as the child run onto the road in front of him.
- 在公共汽车上与过去一位老师的邂逅an incidental meeting of a former teacher on a bus
- 一位陌生人在公共汽车上同他搭讪。A stranger accosted him on the bus.
- 在公共汽车上吸烟可以吗?Is it all right to smoke on the bus?
- 在公共汽车上一共有18个人。Altogether there were 18 people in the bus.
- 我在公共汽车上找不到座位。I could not find a seat on the bus.
- 她弄清楚没人留在公共汽车上。She assured herself that no one was left on the bus.
- 在公共汽车上一共有38个人。Altogether there were 38 people in the bus.
- 昨天我在公共汽车上碰见他。I met him on the bus yesterday.
- 我把手套落在公共汽车上了.I've left my gloves on the bus.
- 他在公共汽车上已当了5年售票员。He has conducted on buses for five years.
- 他在公共汽车痰。He spits on the bus.
- 在公共汽车上的通告Announcement in a Bus
- 在公共汽车上扒窃钱包Pick purse on the bus