- 狂饮三天.go on a drunken bender for three days
- 救援活动持续了三天。The rescue operation lasted three days.
- 我保证这一工作在三天内完成。I bargain that the job will be done in three days.
- 他每隔三天来看他的父母一次。He comes to see his parents every three days.
- 他们在纽约闲逛了三天。They strayed about in New York for three days.
- 灾害性的风暴持续了三天。The wicked storm lasted three days.
- 接连下了三天雨。It rained three days successively.
- 他们的老师给他们三天时间完成作业。Their teacher allowed them three days for the assignment.
- 你必须在三天内搬走。You must vacate the premises in three days.
- 船因无风停航三天。The ship was becalmed for three days.
- 在海上漂流三天adrift for three days on the sea
- 已连续下了三天雪了。It has snowed for three straight days.
- 支票过户要三天时间。It takes three days to clear a check.
- 该飞行员被禁飞三天。The pilot was grounded for 3 days.
- 已接连下了三天雪。It has snowed for three days running.
- 在三天之内in the space of three days
- 三天后玫瑰枯萎了。The roses faded after three days.
- 三天后她自杀了。She committed suicide three days later.
- 仅三天。Only three days.
- 三天前。Three days ago.