- 这是对中国人民感情的悍然冒犯,其严重程度不亚于否认欧洲的犹太人大屠杀。" And the war of invasion is no longer termed an invasion.
- 犹太人Jew
- 犹太人的Yiddish
- 大屠杀 “a wholesale slaughter
- 现代战争的大屠杀the hecatomb of modern wars
- 安汶岛大屠杀Amboina Massacre
- 拉博托大屠杀Raboteau massacre
- 未发酵的面包一种犹太人过逾越节时吃的干脆未发酵的面包A brittle, flat piece of unleavened bread, eaten especially during Passover.
- 扬州大屠杀Yangzhou Massacre
- 流浪的犹太人Wandering Jew
- 大流血, 大屠杀seas of blood
- 特勒扎塔尔大屠杀Tal al-Zaatar Massacre
- 纳粹对犹太人的经济垄断。the economic strangulation of the Jews by the Nazi Party.
- 夏蒂拉和萨布拉大屠杀Chatila and Sabra Massacre
- 巴比伦王俘虏过许多犹太人。The king of the Babylon led captive many of the Jews.
- 被屠杀的犹太人the Hebrew people who were slaughtered
- 莱克星屯大屠杀鲜为人知时;when the massacre at Lexington was "news."
- 他是个犹太人。He is a Jew.
- 这场大屠杀是一桩反人类的罪行。The massacre was a crime against humanity.
- 德国正在灭绝欧洲犹太人。Germany is exterminating the Jews of Europe.