- 状元Number One Scholar
- 吊儿郎当lounge
- 郎才女貌(said of match-making) a perfect match
- 高考状元highest-ranking student in entrance examinations for colleges and universities
- 小泉纯一郎Junichiro Koizumi
- 吊儿郎当的dandiacal
- 板状元件fuel plate
- 养猪状元Champion swineherd
- 布郎宁手枪Browning automatic pistol
- 状元丸tranquillizing pill
- 他呷着郎姆酒。He sipped his rum.
- 状元红high quality Shaoxing wine
- 别吊儿郎当地混时间。Don't lounge away your time.
- 状元之才The talent of the highest graduate of the Halin academy
- 布郎坚决反对这些新规定。Brown was heart and soul against the new rules.
- 七状元seven No. one scholars
- 丹麦克郎Danish kroner
- 状元秀top pick
- 挪威克郎[经] norwegian krone
- 瑞典克郎[经] swedish krona