- 典型引黄灌区沉沙条渠清淤内业的微机处理方法Computer Processing of Dredging Indoor Work of Desilting Basin in Typical Irrigation Areas by Diversion from Yellow River
- 半semi-
- 半年half a year
- 半天half of the day
- 鲨shark
- 犁plow
- 半小时halfhour
- 沙漏sandglass
- 鳍fins
- 半角DBC case
- 喷沙sandblast
- 半月half-moon
- 深沟一条深的沟或犁沟A deep furrow or ditch.
- 大白鲨Jaws - 1975
- 沙的sandy
- 上半first half
- 背鳍鳍条dorsal rags
- 半场half-court
- 沙司sauce
- 短鳍真鲨Spinner shark