- 在他的歌剧作品中有一个四联剧,该剧由《尼伯龙根的指环》、《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》、《纽伦堡的名歌手》和他的最后一部作品《帕西伐尔》组成。Among his operas are the four works that make up the Ring of the Nibelungs, Tristan and Isolde, The Mastersingers of Nuremberg, and Parsifal, his last work.
- 那些心灵受到瓦格纳伤害的女人们虽然早已作古,然而,笔者认为,这位只爱自己,没有爱过任何人的男人却通过《特里斯特与伊索尔德》一剧给予了她们不朽的回报。The women whose hearts he broke are long since dead and the man who could never love anyone but himself has made them deathless at moment, I think, with Tristan and Isolde.
- 最著名的作品有四部曲《尼伯龙根的指环》和《特里斯坦和伊索尔德》。The four-opera group The Ring of the Nibelung and the single opera Tristan und Isolde are among his best-known compositions.
- 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。For further information, contact your local agent.
- 她与公司中的那些上级主管合作愉快。She work well with those superior to her in the firm.
- 关于包装问题,我方将与厂商联系,要求他们对此引起重视。About packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.
- 特里斯坦Trystan
- 尽管未与他联系上,可是我已尽力而为了。I tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to contact him.
- 在你的汽车与前面的卡车之间保持一些距离。Keep some space between your car and the truck ahead.
- 他只希望特里斯坦也去。He just wished that Tristan was coming too.
- 从某种意义上讲,才干与教育为成功之要素。Talent and education are necessary to make good in certain fields.
- 然后他向特里斯坦看去。Then he looked across at Tristan.
- 特里斯坦没有理由生气。There was no point in upsetting Tristan for nothing.
- 把工资高与劳动力短缺联系在一起了Loud rejoicings after the victory
- 不仅仅是山姆和特里斯坦,not only to Sam and Tristan
- 国与国之间的社会习俗有很大差异。Social customs vary greatly from country to country.
- 特里斯坦发现用保温帘是非常有利的。Tristan found that a blanket was extremely beneficial.
- 同行者,同伴雇用以帮助他人、与他人生活在一起或一起旅行的人A person employed to assist, live with, or travel with another.
- 山姆和他的挚友特里斯坦,Sam, and his best mate Tristan
- 这一行动与他以往的态度大相径庭。This action is greatly at odds with his previous attitude.