- 治安与特种警察法律报道Security and Special Police Legal Update
- 特种special type
- 特种设备special equipment
- 警察搜捕时发现了毒品。The police found the dope when they made the pinch.
- 抢劫犯被警察制伏。The robber was overpowered by the cop.
- 警察在巡逻。The policeman was on patrol.
- 特种作业job that requires special skills
- 警察抓住了一个在逃犯。The police seized an escaping convict.
- 特种纸speciality paper
- 警察识破他不在场的伪证。The policeman saw through his false alibi.
- 特种钢special steel
- 警察追踪罪犯。The police traced the criminal.
- 警察正在巡逻。The policemen are now on patrol.
- 特种车special purpose vehicle
- 反动警察用警棍驱散示威的人群。The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd.
- 警察叫小偷把口袋都翻出来。The policeman made the thief turn out his pockets.
- 罪犯向警察自首。The criminal surrendered himself to the police.
- 警察要旁观者退后。The policeman asked the spectators to stand back.
- 警察因穿有防弹背心而幸免于难。The policeman survived because of his bulletproof vest.
- 囚犯在警察监管下行进。The prisoner travelled under police escort.