- 部队unit
- 属于特殊部队或团队的士兵a soldier who is a member of a special corps or regiment
- 装甲部队armored forces
- 他特殊的才干引起了我的注意。His special talents attracted my notice.
- 维和部队United Nations Peacekeeping Force
- 我们的老师从不给优生以特殊对待。Our teacher never discriminates in favor of brighter pupils.
- 机动部队airmobile
- 所有减价品都有特殊标签。All the sale items had special labels.
- 部队为决战作好准备。The troops poised for a final battle.
- 她对蘑菇有特殊的偏好She has an especial fondness for mushrooms.
- 部队接到命令在前哨周围筑壕加强防卫。The troops received orders to trench the outpost.
- 他没有施展自己特殊才能的机会。He has no scope for his particular talents.
- 城中所有的汽车均被部队征用了。All automobiles in the town were commandeered by the army.
- 这条规则只涉及一些特殊的情况。The rule refers only to special cases.
- 部队正被渐渐撤回。The troops are being gradually withdrawn.
- 一种业余爱好好比一位你为自己选择的特殊朋友。A hobby is compared to a special friend that you choose for yourself.
- 检阅部队an inspection of the troops
- 他为这项特殊任务挑选了一组人马。He selected a team for the special task.
- 他的唱法颇为特殊。His style of singing is rather unique.
- 我们的部队袭击了敌营。Our troops raided the enemy camp.