- 特拉凡哥尔Travancore
- 拉凡杜醇[机] lavandulol
- 陆龟rtoise
- 特拉Tela
- 辐纹陆龟Geochelone radiata [radiated tortoise]
- 埃及陆龟Testudo kleinmanni [Egyptian tortoise]
- 士兵是大多数密特拉教的追随者,妇女排除在教会之外。Soldiers appeared to be the most plentiful followers of Mithraism, and women were apparently not allowed to join.
- 象陆龟Galapagos tortoise
- 特拉龙[机] Dralon
- 腹甲海龟或陆龟的龟甲的腹部部分The ventral part of the shell of a turtle or tortoise.
- 特拉廷ternatin
- 凹甲陆龟Manouria impressa
- 特拉诺仍然镇定自若。Tranow remained calm.
- 距板陆龟greaved tortoise
- 特拉基Truckee
- 缅甸陆龟Indotestudo elongata
- 特拉纶Dralon
- 马达加斯加陆龟Geochelone yniphora [Madagascar tortoise]
- 特拉伏沙Terflavoxate
- 陆龟与海龟有区别。A tortoise is different from a turtle.