- 特惠待遇flag discrimination
- 税收协定规定的特惠待遇concessions under tax treaties
- 最惠待遇most-favoured treatment
- 惠favor
- 本质上依然是第三国家的产品,仍不得享受普惠待遇。Such products as remain essentially the product of third countries should continue to be excluded from preferential tariff treatment.
- 除法定补偿外,政府也会按一套特惠补偿方法,发放特惠补偿。Apart from statutory compensation, there is a system of ex gratia payments.
- 雇员在雇主无能力支付欠薪和其他解雇金时,可向破产欠薪保障基金申请发放特惠款项。Employees who are owed wages and other employment termination benefits by their insolvent employers may apply to the fund for ex gratia payment.
- 私人特惠private favoritism
- 政府特惠public favoritism
- 巨石俱乐部周五晚上有个特惠活动的派对,你受邀了喔!Club Rock has a promo party this Friday, and you're invited!
- 大特惠specials
- 帝国特惠制imperial preference
- 特惠装preferential edition
- 该商店以特惠条件出租。The shop is let on very favourable term.
- 特惠税preferential duty
- 计算,但现时房屋署在计算特惠津贴时,却没有将上述商。However, when calculating the ex-gratia payment for these shop tenants, the HD has not included the area of the frontal section of the shop premises.
- 特惠部位privileged site
- 特惠器官privileged organ
- 特惠转让[法] preferential assignment
- 兔疫特惠immunologically privileged site