- 喜疗妥乳膏/特强喜疗妥乳膏还能促进正常结缔组织的再生。The products contribute to a regeneration of functional connective tissue structures.
- 外用喜疗妥和特强喜疗妥软膏后,MPS血浆水平很低并且不影响凝血系统。After topical application of Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte plasma levels of MPS are Iow and no influence on blood coagulation can be determined.
- 外用喜疗妥和特强喜疗妥软膏后,MPS血浆水平很低并且不影响凝血系统。After topical application of Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte plasma levels of MPS are Iow and no influence on blood coagulation can be determined.
- 大量的出版物及报道记载了喜疗妥和特强喜疗妥软膏数十年来在专科和全科应用中的经验。The experience gained with Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte in general and clinical practice during several decades has been documented in an extensive number of publications and reports.
- 调查医师对喜疗妥或特强喜疗妥的皮肤耐受性评价为好或非常好的病例百分比为97.3%。The investigating physicians assessed the skin tolerability of Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte as good or very good in 97,3 %25 of all cases.
- 一种从石油中提取的半固体的碳氢化合物;用在药膏中起润滑作用。a semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum; used in medicinal ointment and for lubrication.
- 责任心强responsible
- 喜来登Sheraton Corp.
- 护士在伤口上搽了些药膏来止血。The nurse applied some ointment to the cut to stop the bleeding.
- 巴比妥barbitone
- 艾略特eliot
- 喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏的有效性和安全性已经在大量文献中被论证。Efficacy and safety of Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte are documented in an extensive number of publications.
- 她强忍住笑。She tried hard to stifle her laughter.
- 曼特林咖啡Brazilian Coffee
- 他是一个喜怒无常的人。He is a man of moods.
- 把所有那些都留给我女儿吧,她很快就会把事情办妥的。Leave all that to my daughter and she will fix it in no time.
- 热疗是治感冒的最好方法。Warmth is the best remedy for colds.
- 强盗用左轮手枪威吓他。The robber menaced him with a revolver.
- 巴斯特尔Basseterre
- 她和她的朋友喜恶相同。She and her friends have parallel likes and dislikes.