- 叙尔特塞Surtsey
- 里约阿比塞奥国家公园Rio Abiseo National Park
- 特塞尔绵羊Texel
- 76年马尼·特塞组织Mani Tese '76
- 荷兰舰队冻结在特塞尔岛,没有开火就交出了少数骑兵。The Dutch fleet, frozen in the Texel, surrendered a handful of cavalry without firing its guns.
- 奥德赛The Odyssey, by Homer
- 特急be specially urgent
- 残奥会Paralympic Games
- 他的代理律师丹尼尔·特塞利说,赔偿金只有在斯奇林所有的上诉结束后才开始发放。His attorney, Daniel Petrocelli, said the restitution will be held until all of Skilling's appeals are exhausted.
- 奥匈帝国austria-hungary
- 特卖sell
- 奥赛Houssay
- 特洛伊Troy
- 塞进foist into
- 申奥the Olympic bid
- 特徵trait
- 柱塞plunger piston
- 塞班岛Saipan
- 特异性specificity
- 塞满bung up