- 本人受国家和人民重托,出任中华人民共和国香港特别行政区首任行政长官。The nation and the people have entrusted to me the responsibility as Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
- 今天,本人以香港首任行政长官的身分,出席新加坡中华商会的聚会,感到万分荣幸。It is a great honour to stand here today,before the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Singapore,as the first Chief Executive of Hong Kong.
- 官official
- 特区special (administrative) region
- 美国总统是最高行政官。The President of the U.S. is the chief executive.
- 经济特区special economic zone (SEZ)
- 教育家和行政官是两种很不一样的角色,我们要的是何者?Of course, an educator is different from an administrator. But which is more needed for our schools?
- 大官preferment
- 考试官examinant
- 验尸官coroner
- 地方行政官的管辖区The district under jurisdiction of a magistrate.
- 特区行政长官chief executive of a special administrative region
- 监考官supervisior
- 执法官lawman
- 澳门特区行政长官何厚铧演讲Speech by Mr. Ho Hau Wa, Chief Executive of the Macao
- 移民官immigration officer
- 收官showdown
- 深圳经济特区行政处罚听证程序试行规定Proposed Rules of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on the Hearing Procedures of the Administrative Penalties
- 首席运营官chief operating officer; chief officer of operation
- 治安官peace officer