- 清pure
- 不清unclear
- "如果你继续这样急促不清地说下去,谁也听不懂了。"Nobody can understand you if you keep jabbering away like that.
- 分不清confound with
- 看不清invisibility
- "大多数人一上了年纪,不戴眼镜就看不清细小的印刷字体。"Most people can't read small print without glasses when they get on in years.
- 数不清的unnumbered
- 数不清countless
- 神志不清dottiness
- 听不清deafness
- 许多人受惠于他数不清的慷慨行为。Many people benefited from his countless generosities.
- 含糊不清ambiguous; vague
- 口齿不清inarticulacy
- 纠缠不清persistant
- 病人发烧,神志不清,必须有人监护。The patient was feverish and out of his head and had to be watched.
- 昏暗中他看不清一头撞在一棵树上。In the dim light he couldn't see clearly and ran bump into a tree.
- 他们俩谁也不曾设想,自己会被牵扯进这场他们耳闻目睹的闹剧的含糊不清的结局。Neither of them imagined they could be personally involved in the dubious result of the scenes they witnessed.
- 星子任何数不清的小固体块,被认为曾在行星形成阶段中在围绕太阳的轨道上运行Any of innumerable small bodies thought to have orbited the sun during the formation of the planets.
- 孩子三、四岁前说话往往口齿不清。Children usually lisp until they are three of four.
- 这个紧张不安的人对事故的陈述混淆不清。The nervous man gave a garbled account of the accident.