- 物价仍有上涨趋势.The trend of prices is still upwards.
- 物价仍有上涨趋势。The trend of prices is still upwards.
- 鉴于行市有上涨趋势,我们建议你方立即接受我方报价。In view of the upward market tendency, we'd suggest you accept our offer without delay.
- 大体说来,物价仍在上涨。Overall, prices are still rising.
- 依我看,价格有上涨趋势。Prices are, I apprehend, inclined to rise.
- 由于...的价格有上涨趋势,我方愿告贵方尽快下单。As there is an upward tendency in the price of...,we would advise you to place your order as early as possible.
- 仍yet
- 趋势trend
- 物价仍在上涨.Prices are still going up,ie rising.
- 那个受了重伤的士兵不能说话但仍有知觉。The seriously wounded soldier was speechless but still sensible.
- 现在仍有必要限制利润。There is still need for profit restraint.
- 有上涨趋势的房价.house prices trending upwards
- 查尔斯仍有希望当这家公司下一任的主管。Charles is still in the running as a possible next head of the firm.
- 大体说来,物价仍在上涨。Overall, prices are still rising.
- 市场坚挺有上涨趋势The market is firm with an upward tendency
- 我说的确确实实他都不信, 仍有疑虑.My assurances don't satisfy him: he's still sceptical.
- 仍有一些零星的小规模战斗在进行着。The scattered fights were sparring.
- "依我看,价格有上涨趋势""Prices are, I apprehend, inclined to rise."
- 物价仍在盘旋上涨。Prices are still spiralling up.
- 虽然我们之间的贸易量一直在增加,但仍有进一步扩大业务的余地。Though the volume of trade between us have been increasing,there are much room for further development in our business.