- 圣经Bible
- 恶灵Ahriman
- 不灵not work
- 心有灵犀一点通a close rapport
- 圣经的Biblical
- 牧者vaquero
- 灵媒conjurator
- 灵长类Primates
- 我们在自己田里牧牛。We graze cattle on our fields.
- 那个牧师是能找到贴切的引语,因为他对《圣经》滚瓜烂熟。The Vicar can always find an apt quotation because he's got the whole Bible at his command.
- 死灵wraith
- [天]牧夫座bootes
- 他们拒绝手按《圣经》发誓。They refused to swear on a Bible.
- 灵格风linguaphone
- 牧牛人neatherd
- 圣经学bibliology
- 灵犀magic horn
- (主教的)牧杖pastoral staff
- 在许多有关圣经故事的电影中,查尔顿·赫斯顿都担任主角。Charlton Heston took the lead in many films about the bible.
- 牧波恩Shepherd, George W.