- 鹦鹉
- 牛顿类法Newton-like methods
- 鹦鹉学舌parrot
- 设物体遵从牛顿第三定律。We assume that the bodies obey Newton's Third Law.
- 牛顿信道的缺陷及其改进The Defects of Newton Channel and the Improvement
- 鹦鹉啄食饲料The parrot picked its seed.
- 牛顿说他已放弃了微元或无穷小量。Newton says he has abandoned the infinitesimal or infinitely small quantity.
- 金刚鹦鹉macaw
- BFGS拟牛顿公式BFGS quasi-Newton formula
- 这只鹦鹉很会学舌。This parrot is an amazing mimic.
- 高斯-牛顿迭代法Gauss -Newton iterative algorithm
- 鹦鹉把我的手指焰的很疼。The parrot give me a sharp peck on the finger.
- 牛顿混沌迭代法Newton Chaos Iteration methods
- 男孩把一只鹦鹉放在右肩上。The boy had a parrot on his right shoulder.
- 牛顿-柯特斯公式Newton-Cotes equation
- 所以你要过“把家里养的鹦鹉卖给街坊的三姑六婆也不至于害臊”的生活。So live that you will not be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- 不可压缩非牛顿流体incompressible non-Newtonian fluid
- [鹦鹉等]zygodactyl
- 牛顿运动定律和机翼举力The Newton's law and lifting force of plane wing
- 鹦鹉学人声。A parrot imitates human voices.