- 拉力器pulley weights
- 胸部拉力器chest expander
- 牛顿类法Newton-like methods
- 三爪拉力器tri-paw puller
- 弹簧拉力器steelstrand exerciser
- 设物体遵从牛顿第三定律。We assume that the bodies obey Newton's Third Law.
- 牛顿信道的缺陷及其改进The Defects of Newton Channel and the Improvement
- 橡皮拉力器surgical tube
- 拉力器测力计dynamometer
- 牛顿说他已放弃了微元或无穷小量。Newton says he has abandoned the infinitesimal or infinitely small quantity.
- BFGS拟牛顿公式BFGS quasi-Newton formula
- 滑轮负重拉力器lat machine; latissimus apparatus
- 高斯-牛顿迭代法Gauss -Newton iterative algorithm
- 扩胸弹簧钢丝拉力器spring steel cable for chest pull
- 牛顿混沌迭代法Newton Chaos Iteration methods
- 自动皮带拉力器到固定支架Automatic Belt Tensioner-to-Mounting Bracket
- 牛顿-柯特斯公式Newton-Cotes equation
- 它们与绳索拉力器并不相连。They are not attached to a cable machine.
- 不可压缩非牛顿流体incompressible non-Newtonian fluid
- 真的是很重,我买这些,你们这有没有拉力器?They sure feel heavy. Well,I think I'll take. Now do you have any chest-expander?