- 金鸳鸯三宣牙牌令And Faithful makes four calls on three dominoes in the
- 牙牌dominoes
- 令人印象深刻的故事A whale of a story.
- 牙牌问题dominoes problem
- 令人震惊scream
- 象牙牌香皂Ivory
- 令人吃惊的startling
- 令人失望的disillusionary
- 号令order
- 当你手里握着一块象牙牌肥皂的时候,你犹如握住一大部分美国的历史了。With a bar of lvory soap in your hand. You are holding a chunk of american history.
- 令人惊奇的wondrous
- 令牌token
- 令人高兴的cheering
- 令人沮丧的abjective
- 令人厌烦的irksome
- 令人窒息的suffocative
- 这电影逐渐发展到令人惊悚的高潮The film works up to a thrilling climax.
- 召集令call-up
- 令人深思的thoughtprovoking
- 令人厌恶的gruesome