- 熔断器fuse
- 熔断burn out
- 高分断能力熔断器弧后残躯电阻The Post-Arc Fulgurate Resistance of Fuse with High Breaking Capacity
- 板极电阻anode resistance
- 电阻时间常数测量measurement of time constant of resistor
- 一种半导体二极管阵列,通过熔断或烧断二极管的结来实现编程过程。A semiconductor diode array that is programmed by fusing or burning out diode junctions.
- 电阻应变测量装置resistance strain measuring device
- 高分断能力熔断器high rupture capacity fuse
- 电阻应变计式传感器transducer of resistance strain gage type
- 电阻应变计测量技术resistance strain gage technique
- 安全熔断器safety fuse
- 电阻-晶体管逻辑电路resistor-transistor logic circuit
- 保险丝熔断了。A fuse has blown.
- 高电阻合金high-resistance alloy
- 全范围熔断器full range fuse
- 阿凡斯电阻合金advance metal
- 保险丝熔断blown fuse
- 棒状电阻rod resistance
- 备用熔断器spare fuse
- 薄层电阻sheet resistance