- 虫worm
- 木虫carpenter worm
- 熔岩lava
- 甲壳虫beetle
- 线虫eelworm
- 火山喷出了火焰和熔岩。The volcano vomited flames and molten rock.
- 杀虫desinsection
- 那座火山喷发熔岩。The volcano spouted lava.
- 除虫worm
- 螨虫acarid
- 熔岩从火山口流出来。Lava issued from the volcano.
- 网虫netter; Internet geek
- 喷出熔岩的火山a volcano spewing out lava
- 小虫mite
- 那火山喷了出大量熔岩和灰烬。That volcano cast forth lots of lava and ashes.
- 鼻涕虫slug
- 熔岩从山上流下来。The molten lava ran down the mountain.
- 熔岩从火山口沸腾着升起来。Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano.
- 早起的鸟儿有虫吃The early bird catches the worm
- 熔岩向下流动时,无缝不钻,无孔不入。The molten lava got into every nook and cranny on its downward path.