- 仔responsibility
- 煮饭cook
- 狗仔队"dog packs; paparazzo (singular), paparazzi(plural) (It refers to those journalists who are hunting the news of celebrities.)"
- 靓仔handsome young man; a handsome boy
- 她每天煮饭洗衣。She cooks and washes everyday.
- 生仔foal
- 煮饭花marvel-of-peru
- 肥仔fat guy
- 如何煮饭缝纫How to cook and sew
- 幼仔young baby
- 母亲正在煮饭。Mother is boiling rice.
- 她在厨房里煮饭。She boiled rice in the kitchen.
- 他们计划让母猪约在本月底下仔。They planned to have the gilts farrow down about the end of this month.
- 蚵仔煎oyster omelet
- 您点煮饭还是椰浆饭?Would you like boiled or coconut rice with that?
- 他煮饭的材火用光了。He ran out of firewood to cook with.
- 工仔temporary labourer
- 妈妈正拿著锅煮饭。Mom is cooking with a pot in her mitt.
- 锅仔药膳乌鸡Stewed Black-Boned Chicken with Chinese Herbs
- 她的工作是洗衣和煮饭。Her task was to washing and cooking.