- 大驿道上的浮土象热锅里刚炒出的面,The surface dust on the post road was like the fried wheat flour just came out of the hot pan
- 去年生了好多,乖乖的从刺球里爆出来,我欢喜。”It bore a whole lot last year. You should've seen the way they popped out of their prickly jackets!"
- 她坐卧不安,束手无措(像热锅里的蚂蚁)。She's got ants in her pants.
- 把无斑点的土豆,蕃茄和烟草微粒放进热锅里。Put the sporless potatoes tomatoes and tobacco atoms into the hot pot.
- 她在煎锅里热了几片冷肉。She fried up some pieces of cold meat
- 象热锅上的蚂蚁like a cat on hot bricks
- 把所有的菜放在炖锅里,加上水,用文火慢慢炖至浅棕色。Put all those into a stewpan, with some water, and draw them down to a right brown colour.
- 废热锅residue heat boiler
- 猫碰了热锅马上跳回去了。The cat sprang back after touching the hot pot.
- 锅里香肠开始滋滋作响。The sausage began to spit in the pan.
- 他急得象热锅上的蚂蚁。his stewing over the fight kept him awake most of the night.
- 她在平锅里煎鸡蛋。She fried the eggs in a frying pan.
- 像热锅上的蚂蚁;如坐针毡。Like a cat in hot bricks.
- 用湿毛巾把锅里的火扑灭。Smother the flames from the burning pan with a wet towel.
- 他等着他,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。He waited for her arrival with a frenzied agitation.
- 蛋在油锅里煎。The eggs were frying in the pan.
- 你老是跑到窗口去望邮递员,真像热锅上的蚂蚁。You are like a cat on hot bricks with your running to the window to look for the postman.
- 厨师的帮手把削了皮的土豆扔进了一口巨大的搪瓷锅里。The cook's helper slung the peeled potatoes into a huge enamel pot.
- 开火,热锅,放油。注:热锅凉油不沾锅。Open fire, heat the pen for a while and put oil. Be careful: Hot pen and cold oil could make better dinner.
- 水蒸汽从锅里冒出。There was steam coming from the cooking-pot.