- 速览:包括图片新闻、数字说话、一周引语和财经热词在内的财经新闻的浓缩。At a glance: concise financial news coverage that includes news photos, statistics, quote of the week and financial buzz words.
- 短信中心还提供英语学习的资料,如时事热词、商务词汇、绕口令、脑筋急转弯和生活笑话。The SMS Center also offers English study materials such as Hot Words, Biz Words, Tongue Twisters, Brainteasers and Daily Jokes.
- 热的thermic
- 热卖sell fast
- 电热galvanothermy
- 热播hot broadcast
- 主持词chair words
- 过热overheating
- 构词word-building; word-formation
- 热管thermotube
- 简单词simple word
- 换热器heat interchanger
- 用词不当misnomer
- 热交换器heat exchanger
- 随着语言的发展,新词不断被采用,而有许多词则停止使用了。As the language grows, new words are introduced and many words fall out of use.
- 热缩pyrocondensation
- 引导词introducer
- 常用词general service word
- 比热specific heat
- 反意词adversative