- 集肤效应误差skin error
- 热电效应在温度检测中的应用Application of Pyroelectric Effect in Examining Temperature
- 姿态效应误差attitude effect error
- 金属铋的结构与磁致电阻及热电效应Microstructure of Bi and Magnetoresistance as well as Thermoelectric Effects
- 双频雷达高度计电离层色散效应误差分析Error analysis of ionospheric dispersion on dual-frequency altimetry
- 捷联惯导初始对准中杆臂效应误差的补偿Compensation of Lever-arm Effect in Initial Alignment of Strapdown Systems
- 误差(n) difference; inaccuracy; error
- 热电thermoelectricity
- 效应effect
- 平台惯导系统中杆臂效应误差的研究与分析Research and Analysis on Error Caused by Lever Arm Effect in Platform Inertial Navigation System
- 热电联产combined heat and power generation
- 温室效应greenhouse effect
- 相对误差relative error
- 蝴蝶效应butterfly effect
- 测量误差inaccuracy of measurement
- 品牌效应brand effect
- 误差范围error band
- 允许误差give or take
- 马太效应"the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. )"
- 误差值error amount