- 过去国家总预备费有相当一部分是买烧饼油条用掉了,如一九五三年就是如此。In the past,a considerable portion of the state's general reserve funds has been spent on trivial things,as was the case in 1953.
- 实行归口包干后,剩下的预备费才能用到重大的事情上去,避免把钱用到买烧饼油条上去,才能保护住国家的总预备费,站稳脚跟,保证工业建设。Only when budgets are worked out by central departments and departments are charged with the responsibility for their finances shall we be able to accumulate surplus reserve funds to spend on important projects, not on trivial ones, keep the state's general reserve funds from being wasted and place industrial development on a firm foundation.
- 油条twisted cruller [Chinese style]
- 烧饼(n) baked seseme seed coated cake
- 老油条sophisticate
- 炒肉末烧饼Saute minced pork with sesame cakes
- 现打的烧饼sesame cakes just out of the oven
- 炸油条deep-fried twisted dough sticks
- 你自己亲自做烧饼?Did you make sesame cakes yourself?
- 丝瓜油条汤Towel Gourd and Deep-Fried Dough Sticks Soup
- 打烧饼make sesame seed cakes
- 鱼茸油条汤Fish Mash and Deep-Fried Dough Sticks Soup
- 肉末烧饼Sesame Cake with Minced Pork
- 鸡蛋油条fried egg dough sticks
- 冬瓜蓉烧饼Fried pasty with sweet winter melon(white gourd)
- 外贸老油条An old fried noodle in Foreign Trade
- 甜烧饼Sweet Sesame Cake
- 甘油条碱Sblufyllin
- 咸烧饼Spiced Sesame Cake
- 炸油条塞肉Deep-Fried Dough Sticks Stuffed with Meat Mash