- 燎singe
- 烛candle
- 焚烧尽,烟熏火燎日,香炉冷,依稀抹晨曦,灯灭了,叹巴山夜雨,到天明,西窗剪残烛。Burnt out ends of smokey days The stale cold smell of morning The streetlamp dies, another night is over Another day is dawning.
- 燎去家禽的毛to singe the poultry
- 烛火candlelight
- 燎发to singe hair -- a thing that can be done very easily
- 他用手煽熄烛火。He doused the candle with a flap of his hand.
- 板式燎毛机plate singeing machine
- 美誉烛九阴。A good fame keep its lustre in the dark.
- 偏燎drift angle
- 我们铸蜡成烛。We mold wax into candles.
- 燎疳firing Gan
- 燎祭Liao sacrifice
- 烛焰灭了。The candle's flame doused.
- 燎埃meteoric dust
- 屋里点着的腊烛,于屋外的一切显得朦胧怪异。The candles alight in the room made all things withoutdoors loom strange.
- 燎尘meteoric dust
- 白烛虫waxinsect
- 燎群meteor stream
- 白烛葵candytuft