- 烈日照射著这个地方。The hot sun shone down on the scene.
- 烈日照射著这个地方.The hot sun shone down on the scene.
- 这个this
- 著outstanding
- 这个地方的每一个角落都勾起许多回忆。Every nook and cranny of this place brought back memories.
- 劳驾给我拿著这个行吗?Would you be good enough to carry this for me?
- 群山环绕著这个山谷。Mountains rimmed the valley.
- 你从何时起就在这个地方的?Since when have you been here?
- 群山环绕著这个山谷.Mountains rimmed the valley.
- 请问这个地方怎么走?Would you please tell me how can I get to this address?
- 这个地方太美啦。This is a mighty pretty place.
- 他满腹疑惑地听著这个离奇的故事。He listened in disbelief to this extraordinary story.
- 您在地图的这个地方。You are in this place on the map.
- 自动化将意味著这个工厂要减少许多工作职位。Automation will mean the loss of many jobs in this factory.
- 这条街的这个地方拱起很高.The street is quite steeply cambered at this point.
- 让我们藉著这个机会,齐来分享对这位大师的感受。On this special occasion, let's revisit his sumptuous works and share your feelings on one of the European masters.
- 道路在这个地方突然倾斜。The road declines sharp at this point.
- 它象徵著这个世界上有真正的不公正的因素这样一个信念。It symbolizes the belief that there is an element of real wrongness in this world.
- 她碰巧听说过这个地方。It happened that she had heard of the place.(She happened to have heard of the place.)
- 于是亚比米勒晓谕众民说:“凡沾著这个人,或是他妻子的,定要把他治死。So Abimelech gave orders to all the people: "Anyone who molests this man or his wife shall surely be put to death.