- 灶烟机gas-oven and ventilator
- 墙上裱糊的报纸,让灶烟熏得乌黑。 “屋里怎么没有人哪?On the wall above a bed was a coloured New-Year picture of "Chubby Children Pulling the Turnip."
- 灶kitchen stove
- 烟熏sootiness
- 烟气flue gases
- 二手烟passive smoking
- 烟酒tobacco and wine
- 电磁灶induction cooker
- 无烟smokeless
- 灶头kitchen range; cooking stove
- 烟味smoke
- 烟灰色smoky gray
- 烟酰胺niacinamide
- 烟感器smoke detector
- 烟气脱硫stack gas desulfurization
- 烟罩petticoat pipe
- 狼烟rocket
- 一包烟deck; a packet of cigarettes
- 烟管flue header
- 经理抽了一口烟。The manager took a puff at his cigarette.