- 灶kitchen stove
- 火塘a kind of Chinese fireplace
- 火塘文化Fire pit Culture
- 用火塘生火做饭在农村是非常常见的现象。It's very common to cook in a fireplace in the countryside.
- 丽江是个藏龙卧虎的地方,火塘吧吸引了很多热爱音乐的朋友。There are a lot of music fans in Li Jiang. They come together and share their music with friends of Huo Tang Bar.
- 电磁灶induction cooker
- 灶头kitchen range; cooking stove
- 把烦恼与别人分担,烦恼会分散,把快乐与别人分享,快乐会加倍!来火塘酒吧,体会众乐乐的感觉!To share your distress with friends, you won't feel so bad; to share your joy with friends, you'll feel double hapiness! To be a happiest child in Huo Tang Bar!
- 厨灶kitchen stove
- 节能灶energy-saving stove
- 在这里可以喝酒、聊天,谈天说地,讲自己的故事,听别人的经历。不管认不认识,只要坐在火塘边,很快就会相熟。天南地北,海侃神聊。Drinking, talking, telling your story, listenning to friends'experience. It's easy to make friends and kill time.
- 灶棚cookshack
- 灶膛chamber of a kitchen range
- 灶戏Zao Opera
- 灶书Zao Shu
- 燃气厨灶a gas cooker
- 分灶cook meals separately
- 灶的[医] focal
- 橱灶fire-back boiler
- 症灶focus