- 美国则强烈提议一项更加重要的计划,建立一支由20,000名士兵组成常规部队,强大且可以灵活部署,称作是北约快速反应部队(RF)拥有海陆空三栖作战功能。A more important development, strongly supported by America, is the formation of a20,000- strong deployable standing army, known as the NATO Response Force( NRF), with land, air and sea components.
- 她动作不灵活。She is clumsy in her movements.
- 他已查出敌军的兵力部署情况。He has inquired out the deployment of the enemy troops.
- 灵活定购flexible order
- 灵活宏块顺序flexible macroblock ordering (FMO)
- 部队的部署the disposition of the troops
- 灵活运用TOT;Use TOT to absorb more money;
- 猫天生的那种敏捷灵活the natural agility of a cat
- 后勤部署logistical disposition
- 军队已按战斗队形部署好。The troops were arrayed for the battle.
- 象体操运动员一样柔软和灵活as sleek and agile as a gymnast
- 炮兵部署在西边。Artillery was deployed in the west.
- 自主动词通常比那些被副词限制的动词灵活。Unrestricted verbs are usually stronger than those qualified by adverbs.
- 部署已定。The arrangement for various parts has been settled.
- 诚实、灵活而又容易相处的人。I admire a person who is) honest, flexible and easy-going.
- 将军部署部队。The general arrayed his troops.
- 我们在具体运作方法上灵活多了。We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings.
- 他沿堤岸部署军队。He disposed his troops along the bank.
- 比青蛙脚短,一般说来没有青蛙灵活。Toad have shorter leg and is generally more clumsy than frog.
- 军队的巧妙部署a clever disposition of troops