- 以太网Ethernet
- 快速以太网的另一个局限是没有供100Base-T用的路由接口。Another fast Ethernet limitation is that there are no routing interfaces available yet for 100Base-T.
- 以太网接口Ethernet interface
- 主要介绍了智能小区的基本概念,小区宽带接入的现状,及以太网宽带接入技术。The paper introduces basic concept of smart dwelling districts, present condition of the broadband and the ethernet technique.
- 以太网交换机Ethernet switch
- 该码是16位802.1Q报头的一部分,被加在用于以太网和令牌环网上的MAC传输帧上。The identifier is part of the 16-bit 802.1Q header, which is added to the MAC transmission frames used in Ethernet and token-ring networks.
- 基于网络演算理论,对FCFS调度和IEEE802.1P调度的交换式以太网实时性进行了分析。By means of network calculus, the real time behavior of switched EtherNet with FCFS scheduling and IEEE 802.1P scheduling were analyzed.
- 快速以太网Fast Ethernet
- 工业以太网industrial ethernet
- 标准以太网standard ethernet
- 千兆位以太网也已出现。And gigabit Ethernet lies ahead, too.
- 以太网交换机的选择The Choice of Ethernet Switch
- 光以太网optical Ethernet
- 以太网桥Ethernet bridge
- 当然,以太网支配着局域网。Ethernet, of course, dominates the LAN.
- 应用千兆位以太网仍有挑战。There are challenges for deploying Gigabit Ethernet.
- 以太网DNCethernet DNC
- 业以太网industry ethernet
- 以太网接口节点 (EIN)Ethernet Interface Node (EIN)
- 双以太网Double Ethemet