- 执行以下操作之一,向灵感触发图添加更多标题Add more topics to your brainstorming diagram by doing any of the following
- 灵感触发图显示了层次结构中各标题间的相互关系。A brainstorming diagram shows the interrelationships among topics in a hierarchy.
- 我的注释会添加到透明层而非灵感触发图上,因此原始图不会有任何改动。My comments are added to that layer, not to the diagram, so the original remains intact.
- 注释“图例”形状出现在“灵感触发图”、“网络图”和“建筑设计图”模板中,但您可以在任何Microsoft Office Visio绘图中使用它。Note The Legend shape appears in the Brainstorming Diagram, Network Diagram, and Building Plan templates, but you can use it in any Microsoft Office Visio drawing.
- 灵感inspiration
- 色图chromatic graph
- 通过灵感触发会议激发创造力Inspire creativity with a brainstorming meeting
- 柱状图histogram
- 如图所示be shown as in the figure
- 水彩画创作中随机性与灵感触发Flexibility and inspiration of trigger in the creation of watercolour
- 图4Fig. 4
- 图号figure number
- 从“灵感触发形状”中,将“主标题”形状拖到绘图页上。From Brainstorming Shapes, drag the Main Topic shape onto the drawing page.
- 布置图layout diagram
- 总图general chart
- 灵感的inspirational
- 鸟瞰图bird's-eye
- 图5Fig. 5
- 启发灵感inspirer
- 布局图layout