- 岛的insular
- 灵动空间Space
- 小岛isle
- 正如你为漆黑注入飘逸灵动As you fill inkiness with ethereality
- 塞班岛Saipan
- 意念的每回灵动,都让智慧更加行者无疆And force of Will increases with each work of wit
- 普吉岛Puji Island
- 环岛rotary island; roundabout
- 春的舞姿是灵动的,是多姿多彩也是可以令你昏头昏脑迷恋的。The dancing of spring is a soul of, is versatile also can make you faint a dizziness brain in love.
- 济州岛Jizhou Island
- 北岛North Island
- 同品味高尚,严谨的现代广告设计相比,后现代广告设计如脱开传统枷锁的舞蹈的孩子一样任意挥霍他们的年轻与灵动。With sample noble, rigorous modern advertisement design compare, if postmodern advertising designs uncouple to have more wanton to spend freely children equally traditional dance of chains.
- 岛港island harbo(u)r
- 作品简介:作品采用大写意、渲染及撞水法的技法,以轻快灵动的手法来表现水禽在没有干扰和污染的环境里自由自在的生活。The artist applies the skill of free-sketch. The light and lively strokes show the free life of water birds in the undisturbed and uncontaminated environment.
- 千岛Thousand Islands
- 在表现手法上虽也活跃出一种清新灵动的东方气息,但源自俄罗斯绘画固有的厚实、沉稳的气质仍作为一种整体风格贯穿始终。In terms of techniques of expression, although there sparkles an active, dexterous and fresh flavor of orient, immanent thick and sophisticated temperament derived from Russian paintings remains throughout the works.
- 热岛效应tropical island effect
- 船向小岛划去。The boat pulled toward the islet.
- 罗德岛rhode island
- 金银岛Treasure Island