- 麻numb
- 火焰blaze
- 麻衣sackcloth
- 桑叶mulberry leaf
- 麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)
- 火山喷出了火焰和熔岩。The volcano vomited flames and molten rock.
- 心乱如麻utterly confused and disconcerted
- 蚕吃桑叶。Silkworms feed on the leaves of mulberry.
- 他用一条湿毯将火焰闷熄。He smothered the flame with a wet blanket.
- 麻点pocking mark
- 她告诉阿巧,这些雪白的虫子叫做蚕,它们吃的叶子叫桑叶。She told Aqiao that these white worms were called silkworms and the leaves they ate were called mulberry leaves.
- 荨麻nettle
- 蜡烛的火焰摇曳了一下。The flame of the candle wavered.
- 打麻scutching
- 在火焰烧着那个盒子之前,他迅速地把它从火里抱了出来。He plucked the box out of the fire before the flames caught it.
- 桑叶收获mulberry leaves harvest
- 火焰喷射器flamethrower
- 麻面pitting surface
- 火焰正吞卷仓库。The flames were licking the warehouse.
- 麻萨诸塞州Massachusetts