- 系统system
- 每秒传输30幅图象画面的电视系统,它必须工作于宽带电磁波谱。Television systems, which transmit 30 picture frames per second, must operate on a broad electromagnetic spectrum.
- 火场电视系统<能把火灾现场的实况转变成图像和伴音信号fire ground TV system
- 系统的systemic
- 信息系统information system
- 由电视系统产生或传输的可见图象。The visual images produced or transmitted by a television system.
- 数字版权管理技术的研究现状及在数字电视系统中的应用Research of DRM Technology and Its Application in Digital TV System
- 煤矿工业电视系统的设计The design of the industrial CCTV in the coal mine
- 水下电视系统Underwater TV system
- 工业电视系统industrial TV system
- 智能声控电视系统Intelligent sound control TV system
- 车载卫星电视系统KVH Satellite TV Systems for
- 用接触式显微电视系统观察肥胖病人皮肤微循环和脂肪组织的变化Observation on the Changes of Subcutanous Microcirculation and Adipose Using Contact TV-microscopic System in Obesity Patients
- 校园网络电视系统campus network TV system
- 数字实况电视系统digital live TV system
- 数字移动电视系统digital mobile TV system
- 先进电视系统委员会ATSC Advanced Television System Committee
- 有线数字电视系统Cable DTV system
- 卫星/地面/数字电视系统satellite/terrestrial/digital television
- 电视系统中发射信号的部分the part of a television system that transmits signals