- 黑black
- 来源于胡椒(尤其是黑胡椒),是黑胡椒和白胡椒的辣味源。derived from pepper (especially black pepper); source of the hotness of black and white pepper.
- 黑胡椒black pepper
- 黑莓blackberry
- 步骤三:醒面,同时将番茄沙司加黑胡椒及洋葱碎炒匀盛出备用,将蔬菜备好待用.STEP3: waiting for the ferment and cooking the ketchup with black pepper and onion pieces, as well as making the vegetables ready.
- 黑的sable
- 黑眼圈dark pouches
- 黑灯瞎火dark
- 晒黑brown
- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 黑鬼nigger
- 黑点macula
- 变黑darken
- 发黑nigrescence
- 天黑darkness
- 黑眼black eye
- 黑胡椒粒ground black pepper
- 黑白的monochrome
- 黑芝麻niger seed
- 红与黑rouge et noir