- 他的一位祖先移居澳洲。One of his forefathers emigrated to Australia.
- 真有神仙吗?Do fairies exist?
- 十八世纪时英国人最先拓殖澳洲。The British first colonized Australia in the 18th century.
- 神仙世界也是戒备森严的。Even the celestial world is heavily guarded.
- 澳洲的动物the zoology of Australia
- 神仙故事是幻想出来的。Fairy tales are imaginative.
- 澳洲水蛭Australian leech
- 洛水神仙Neptune's Daughter
- 澳洲相思树raspberry jam wood
- 神仙家believer of immortals
- 澳洲细毛线Botany yarn
- 神仙, 天使supernal beings
- 澳洲胶wattle gum
- 神仙剧deity drama
- 澳洲鸟bowerbird
- 神仙是超自然的事物。Gods are supernatural beings.
- 澳洲人Australian
- 董奉神仙Dong Feng,a legendary doctor,became an immortal
- 澳洲鲭slimy mackerel
- 神仙观Chinese immortal idea