- 在大澳大利亚湾,一群稀有的澳大利亚海狮在清澈的水中优雅的翩翩起舞。Elegant dancers in the late afternoon,rare Australian sea lions circle and glide in the clear waters of the Great Australian Bight.
- 在大澳大利亚湾,一群稀有的澳大利亚海狮在清澈的水中优雅的翩翩起舞。Elegant dancers in the late afternoon, rare Australian sea lions circle and glide in the clear waters of the Great Australian Bight.
- 产于澳大利亚的海狮的变种。a variety of sea lion found in Australia.
- 灰海狮cousellor seasl
- 从前英国的囚犯常被流放到澳大利亚。British prisoners used to be transported to Australia.
- 日本海狮Zalophus japonicus Japanese Sea Lion
- 她的家人都在澳大利亚。All her people are in Australia.
- 南海狮Otaria flavescens
- 她是好多年以前移居澳大利亚的。She migrated to Australia years ago.
- 海狮油sea-lion oil
- 他是个移居澳大利亚的英国人。He is a British emigrant to Australia.
- 海狮奶糖Sea Lion roll
- 加州海狮California sea lion
- 公主在澳大利亚引起了轰动。The princess made quite a splash in Australia.
- 小海狮工艺镜Small sea lion craft mirror
- 许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side.
- 海狮痘病毒Sea-lion pox virus
- 茄科的木本的澳大利亚属。an Australian genus of woody plants of the family Urticaceae.
- 毛皮海狮属Arctocephalus
- 我对英国的冬天实在厌倦了,所以我已决定离开这里去澳大利亚居住。I'm thoroughly tired of the British winters so I've decided to kick up my heels and go to live in Australia.