- 浴缸bathtub
- 他泡在温暖的澡盆中舒服地伸展身体。He stretched himself with sensuous pleasure in the warm bath.
- 坐浴澡盆Bath tubs for sitz baths
- 一张热澡盆特点A Checklist of Hot Tub Features
- 什么人在找一个热门澡盆?What do people look for in a hot tub?
- 按摩浴缸message bathtub
- “我在澡盆里滑了一脚。”I slipped in the bathtub.
- 他把澡盆的水溅得整个浴室都是。He splashed the bath water all over the bathroom.
- 浴缸里的水满得溢出来了。The bathtub is overflowing.
- 在热水澡盆里用海绵擦洗真舒服, 它使我感觉清爽多了。It's so nice to sponge myself down in a hot bath; it makes me feel so much cleaner.
- 把浴缸里的水放掉。Let the water out of the bath-tub.
- 我的浴缸堵塞不通。My bathtub drain is clogged.
- 小文很喜欢这个玩艺,登时用手捧澡盆里的水往小壶里灌:“这小茶壶,嘴大Xiao Wen was delighted with his toy and promptly scooped some bath-water into it. "This little teapot got big mouth!" he crowed.
- 他替婴儿脱去衣服,把她放进浴缸。He undressed the baby and put her in the bath.
- 往浴缸里放水。Pour the water into the bath.
- 浴缸四周有一层薄薄的污垢。There was a thin curst of dirt around the bath.
- 他回到卡车时她拿着啤酒上楼,注意到他已经把澡盆洗干净。 于是放了一大盆热水泡了进去,把啤酒杯放在澡盆旁边的地上,开始擦肥皂,剃汗毛。When he went back to the truck for the cameras, she took her beer and went upstairs, noted that he had cleaned the tub, and then ran a high, warm bath for herself, settling in with her glass on the floor beside her while she shaved and soaped.
- 浴缸的热水出不来。Hot water of the tub doesn't come.
- 看着浴缸慢慢排空Watched the tub slowly drain.
- 淋浴缸bathtub