- 浪峰冲浪运动中一个大波浪的浪尖In surfing,the lip of a breaking wave.
- 浪峰:冲浪运动中一个大波浪的浪尖。In surfing, the lip of a breaking wave.
- 严肃的学者开始谈论大融炉问题本身就反映了社会潮流的逆转。That serious scholars should be talking about a melting pot is itself a reversal.
- 潮流tide
- 不再随意漂浮在这份无际海洋的浪尖上。And no longer floating on the heavy sea.
- 新的基于最优潮流的有功无功一体化实时电价模型及算法Novel OPF-Based, Active and Reactive Combined Spot Price Model and Its Algorithm
- 年,冲浪者戈瑞格·诺尔在瓦胡岛的北岸冲上65英尺的浪尖,造就了保持至今的最高纪录。Surfer Greg Noll rides a 65-foot wave on the North Shore of Oahu, still the highest ever recorded.
- 《新妇女》是一出生气勃勃的戏,一出显然符合时代潮流的戏。We have in The New Women a live play,a play which is distinctly in the movement.
- 随潮流的trendy
- 今天海上的浪很大。The sea is very wavy today.
- 在海洋深处,内部形成的浪滔在拥有不同密度而且彼此间有着相对运动的水体中产生。Internal waves, far below the surface, develop between water masses that have different densities and between which there is relative motion.
- 不合潮流的人(物)anachronism
- 从浪尖上掠过skim over the waves
- 引领潮流的乐队a trendsetting band
- 白浪带有泡沫波峰的浪A wave with a crest of foam.
- 反潮流的观点.A cross-current of opinion against the prevailing view
- 小船在浪尖上荡来荡去。The boat danced on the waves.
- 不合潮流的人dweeb
- 汹涌澎湃的浪insurgent waves
- 最大流速-潮流的strength of current