- 威might
- 漫反射diffuse(d) reflection
- 漫无目的flanerie
- 海参威[俄地名]vladivostok
- 漫延pervade
- 威化饼waffle
- 漫无目的的planless
- 漫射diffusion
- 威灵顿wellington
- 最近十年来他借助自己的威来促进和平。He has used his influence for peace the last ten years.
- 动漫产业animation industry
- 威压overbear
- 漫无目的地aimlessly
- 核威nuclear strength
- 云使阳光漫射。Clouds cause the diffusion of light from the sun.
- 斗鸡发威时竖起了羽毛。The fighting cock ruffled up its feathers in anger.
- 漫话talk at random; discuss informally
- 那头大像疯狂般地发威,把饲养人给弄死了。The mad elephant went on the rampage and killed its keeper.
- 漫散屏,柔光屏散射光线的介质,用在摄影中使背景柔和A medium that scatters light, used in photography to soften shadows.
- 玛特威锯下一大块冰做读经台用。Matvey saws out a great piece of ice for a lectern.