- 演员须善於熟记台词.An actor must be able to memorize his lines.
- 演员须善於熟记台词。An actor must be able to memorize his lines.
- 演员须善于熟记台词。An actor must be able to memorise his lines.
- 对友须善,对敌须恶。To do good to friend and evil to enemy.
- 熟记台词的word-perfect
- 善於品尝好酒。Have a good palate for fine wine.
- 於at
- 喜剧演员须有相当勇气才敢在台词中随意地说一句话。It takes a certain nerve for a comedian to try a throwaway line.
- 他善於烹制又好吃又便宜的饭菜.He' s expert at / in cooking good cheap meals.
- 女演员actress
- 熟记by heart
- 至於go so far as to
- 男演员actor
- 善待be kind to
- 等於equal to
- 群众演员figurant
- 於是thereupon
- 善行benignity
- 只须simply
- 多愁善感的moonstruck