- 滚开!要不我就报警.Get out before I call the police.
- 你必须给我一支烟,要不我就告诉老板。You shall give me a cigarette, or I shall tell the boss.
- “别缠我了,要不我就把你关进橱柜里去了"Do not tease me; else I shall put thee into the dark closet!"
- 不许动,要不我就开枪把你打得浑身是窟窿!Don't move or I'll riddle you with bullets!
- 除非你把音响的声音关小点儿,否则我就报警!Unless you turn down that loud stereo, I'll call the police!
- 滚开,要不我揍你!Beat it, or I'll hit you!
- 把它放下,否则我就报警!Put it down or I'll call the Old Bill!
- 从我的办公室里出去,要不我叫警察了。Get out of my office, or I'll call the police.
- 他打了我, 于是我就报警, 让警察来抓他。After he hit me, I called the cops to come to get him.
- 你要是再那样做, 我就报警.If you do that again I'll have the law on you.
- “快点,珠儿; 要不我可要跟你生气了"Hasten, Pearl, or I shall be angry with thee!"
- 如果你威胁我,或动武的话,我就报警。"If you threaten me or use any force, I shall inform the police."
- 我肯定他还没有回来,要不我早就在这儿看见他了。The thing is,I'm pretty near certain that he's not back yet. Otherwise I'd have seen him here already.
- 你要是再那样做,我就报警。If you do that again I'll have the law on you.
- 对于这次的事件,他建议我和盗用数据者谈判一下,不行就报警。For this incident, and he suggested that I hold talks about data theft, not on the report.
- 你是否可以迟一些打来?要不我留言让他打电话给你?Will you call back later or should I leave a word for him to call you?
- 闭嘴, 要不我就揍你!Shut up or I'll dot you one!
- 听着,你们这群白痴:我明天一大早就来。如果你们的工作没有做好,我就报警。你们知道了吗?CRUELLA: Now, listen, you idiots: I'll be back first thing in the morning and the job better be done. I'll call the police. Do you understand?
- 恩。我只是推测而已,因为你在这里找她啊,要不我怎么会这么想。Well. I just figured, cause this is where you're looking for her.How else would I know?
- 要不我就学这门做酱的手艺呀?What do you think if I learn the skill of making soy paste?