- 溜溜球yo-yo
- 楼下的小朋友聚在一起炫耀自己的溜溜球。Children gather together downstairs to show off their yo-yos.
- 吃完了茶,他父亲要他到园子里去溜溜。When tea was over, his father wanted him to walk round the gardens.
- 笛flute
- 他那大眼睛在翘得高高的眉毛底下骨溜溜地转动着。His big eyes darted about beneath his lofty, bushy brows.
- 顺溜smooth
- 笛卡尔Descartes
- 溜溜转turn round and round
- 笛声piping
- 吉姆想悄悄溜出大教室,但被教师看见了,并惩罚了他。Jim tried to sneak out of study hall but the teacher saw him and settled his hash.
- 竖笛clarinet
- 溜槽downspouting
- 我们正在谈论惩罚那个男孩子的事,他偷偷溜出了房间。The boy stole from the room while we were talking about his punishment.
- 溜进steal into
- 肥溜溜stort and sleek; fleshy and shiny
- 那扒手企图偷了那位旅客的钱包就溜,但没跑多过错就被抓住了。The pickpocket tried to run away with the passenger's wallet, but he soon got caught.
- 溜狗walk a dog; take a dog out for a walk
- 醋溜白菜cabbage with sweet & sour sauce
- 一到我能溜溜湫湫地走开的时候,我就溜溜湫湫地上了楼。As soon as I could creep away, I crept upstairs.
- 道路因油而滑溜溜的。The roads were slick with oil.