- 华富北-湾仔码头Wah Fu North - Wan Chai Ferry Pier
- 码头wharf
- 码头费pierage
- 湾仔Wan Chai
- 集装箱码头container pier
- 他开车把我送到码头。He tooled me down to the wharf.
- 香港仔至湾仔的巴士专用线,现正由一九九七年八月至一九九八年中分两期实施。The bus-only lanes between Aberdeen and Wan Chaiare being implemented in two stages from August 1997 to mid-1998.
- 船员把船靠了码头。The sailors docked the ship.
- 湾仔发展计划第二期的规划工作进展顺利。The planning for Wan Chai Development Phase II is progressing smoothly.
- 他沿着木码头走过去并爬上了船。He walked along the wooden pier and climbed down into the boat.
- 码头工人roustabout
- 船正靠向码头。The ship was nosing in to the dock.
- 集装箱码头的建设已经动工。Work has started on the construction of a container terminal.
- 船慢慢地靠近码头。The ship nosed in to the pier.
- 船行时船身擦著码头的边。The ship's hull scraped along the side of the dock.
- 停泊在码头边的货轮The freighter moored alongside the wharf.
- 船入码头时他一直在观看He looked on while the ship docked.
- 客运码头passenger terminal
- 码头工人正把煤装上船。The dockers are loading the ship with coal.
- 他们的船离开码头。They put off from the pier.