- 恐惧症phobophobia
- 这个湖泊很浅。The lake is quite shallow.
- 幽闭恐惧症claustrophobia
- 我仍然为湖泊的自然美所吸引。I am still struck by the native beauty of the lake.
- 社交恐惧症social phobia
- 这一地区星星点点地分布着许多小湖泊。This region is sprinkled with small lakes.
- 该湖泊被树林环抱。The lake was encircled by trees.
- 癌症恐惧症cancerphobia
- 引起湖泊富化to cause lakes eutrophicate
- 乘坐飞机恐惧症aviophobia
- 沙漠中的湖泊只是一种视力错觉。The lake in the desert was just an optical illusion.
- 这些专家教恐惧症患者如何对待他们的恐惧,以致最终克服它们。Such specialists teach phobic people how to deal with their fears and, eventually, overcome them.
- 湖泊和沼泽的地质作用geological processes of lake and swamp
- 被污恐惧症mysophobia [fear of uncleanliness]
- 湖泊形态参数morphometric parameter of lakes
- 我有飞机恐惧症。I have a phobia for airplanes.
- 因暴雨而泛滥的湖泊a lake bloated by torrential rains
- 偏执恐惧症paranoid fears
- 远处的群山和湖泊。faraway mountains and lakes.
- 不洁恐惧症mysophobia [fear of uncleanliness]