- 游to walk
- 思to think
- 胡思乱想let one's imagination run away with one
- 网游network game
- 自助游do-it-yourself travel; independent travel
- 三思think carefully
- 自驾游self-driving travel
- 网箱pot
- 冥思苦想contemplate
- 游走migration
- 我思故我在ego cogito ergo sum(拉丁原文)
- 一日游one-day tour
- 胡思乱想的cranky
- 游学study abroad
- 不思进取make no attempt to make progress
- 重游revisit
- 秋游autumn outing; travel in the autumn
- 雅思考试IELTS examination
- 奇思妙想surrealist innovations
- 神游fugue